Assignment 38; InterplanetaryTravel


    // Donovan Rich
    // Period 6
    // Space Boxing
    // 10/19/2015
    import java.util.Scanner;
    public class InterplanetaryTravel {
        public static void main( String[] args ) {
        Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
        int planet;
        double earthWeight, fixWeight;
        String unit, planetName;
        System.out.print ( "Please enter your weight on Earth, sir.   " );
        earthWeight = keyboard.nextDouble();
        System.out.print ( "And what unit is that measurement in?    " );
        unit =;
        System.out.println ( "Very good. The following planets are available for weight conversion." );
        System.out.println ( "| ID#2: 'Venus'    | ID #17: 'Mars'     | ID #36: 'Saturn'          |" );
        System.out.println ( "| ID#134: 'Uranus' | ID #157: 'Neptune' | ID #974: 'Jupiter'        |" );
        System.out.println ( "|___________________________________________________________________|" );
        System.out.println ();
        System.out.print ( "Planet ID: #" );
        planet = keyboard.nextInt();
        if ( planet == 2 )
            fixWeight = earthWeight * 0.78;
            planetName = "Venus";
        else if ( planet == 17 )
            fixWeight = earthWeight * 0.39;
            planetName = "Mars";
        else if ( planet == 36 )
            fixWeight = earthWeight * 1.17;
            planetName = "Saturn";
        else if ( planet == 134 )
            fixWeight = earthWeight * 1.05;
            planetName = "Uranus";
        else if ( planet == 157 )
            fixWeight = earthWeight * 1.23;
            planetName = "Neptune";
        else if ( planet == 974 )
            fixWeight = earthWeight * 2.65;
            planetName = "Jupiter";
            fixWeight = 404;
            unit = "*ERROR*";
            planetName = "INVALID_INPUT";
        System.out.println ( "On " + planetName + ", you weigh " + fixWeight + " " + unit + "." );

Picture of the output

Assignment 38