Assignment 77; AdventureBack


    // Donovan Rich
    // Period 6
    // Adventure 2
    // 2/4/16
    import java.util.Scanner;
    public class AdventureBack
    	public static void main( String[] args )
    		Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
    		int nextroom = 1;
    		String choice = "";
    		while ( nextroom != 0 )
    			if ( nextroom == 1 )
    				System.out.println( "You are in a really neato room. Would you like to go to the 'study' or the 'arcade'?" );
    				System.out.print( "> " );
    				choice = keyboard.nextLine();
    				if ( choice.equals("study") )
    					nextroom = 2;
    				else if ( choice.equals("arcade") )
    					nextroom = 3;
    					System.out.println( "ERROR." );
    			if ( nextroom == 3 )
    				System.out.println( "You enter the arcade. Do you play 'pacman' or 'bomberman'? Alternatively, you can go 'back' into the room you were in earlier." );
    				System.out.print( "> " );
    				choice = keyboard.nextLine();
    				if ( choice.equals("pacman") )
    					nextroom = 4;
                    else if ( choice.equals("bomberman") )
                        nextroom = 5;
                    else if ( choice.equals("back") )
                        nextroom = 1;
    					System.out.println( "ERROR." );
                if ( nextroom == 2 )
                    System.out.println( "You enter the study. Do you wish to 'study' or 'die'? You may also head 'back' into the previous room." );
    				System.out.print( "> " );
    				choice = keyboard.nextLine();
    				if ( choice.equals("die") )
    				    System.out.println( "You die. Your ceased existence is mourned by none." );
                        nextroom = 0;
    				else if ( choice.equals("study") )
                        System.out.println( "You study, pursue a good education, and develop a fulfilling career. Congratulations.");
                        nextroom = 0;
                    else if ( choice.equals("back") )
                        nextroom = 1;
    					System.out.println( "ERROR." );
                if ( nextroom == 4 )
    				System.out.println( "You play some dank Pacman. Do you want to continue playing ('yes'/'no') or head 'back' the rad room you started out in?" );
    				System.out.print( "> " );
    				choice = keyboard.nextLine();
    				if ( choice.equals("yes") )
    					System.out.println( "You continue playing. You turn around for just one second and are spooked to death by a pink ghost.");
                        nextroom = 0;
                    else if ( choice.equals("no") )
                        System.out.println( "You realize your addiction to videogaming has torn your life apart. You back away, and work on getting yourself back on track.");
                        nextroom = 0;
                    else if ( choice.equals("back") )
                        nextroom = 1;
    					System.out.println( "ERROR." );
                if ( nextroom == 5 )
    				System.out.println( "You play an explosive game of Bomberman. Do you want to continue playing ('yes'/'no') or head 'back' the rad room you started out in?" );
    				System.out.print( "> " );
    				choice = keyboard.nextLine();
    				if ( choice.equals("yes") )
    					System.out.println( "You continue playing. The arcade machine explodes and conflagrates you. You die.");
                        nextroom = 0;
                    else if ( choice.equals("no") )
                        System.out.println( "You realize your addiction to videogaming has torn your life apart. You back away, and work on getting yourself back on track.");
                        nextroom = 0;
                    else if ( choice.equals("back") )
                        nextroom = 1;
    					System.out.println( "ERROR." );
    		System.out.println( "\nThe End." );


Picture of the output